what's your life what's your work in financial times? (E)


31. oct. / 1. nov / 2.nov 2011

Universität / Haute École
HEAD Genève, work.master
Daniel Hauser
Contact email
for student applications
Content description

The Financial Times (FT) is an international business newspaper founded 1888. It is a daily newspaper published in London and printed in 24 cities around the world. Printed as a broadsheet on light salmon paper, the FT is providing reports on the London Stock Exchange and world markets. In July 2011 the FT had an average global circulation of 336,590 sales. Along with it has an average daily readership of 2.1 million people worldwide.
On 23 April 2007, the FT relaunched, with a new typeface, new labelling, but no reduction in paper size. Changes include the reintroduction of the FT's 1888 motto, “Without fear and without favour". The redesign coincided with an advertising campaign centred on the tag-line “We Live in Financial Times".

Under the title banker motives the feminist economist Mascha Madörin co-published a thoughtful selection of advertising images in the magazine Olympe (2/1995).  The images show cutouts from full-page ads published in the FT between 1989 - 1994, the period of triumphal procession of neoliberalism after the Fall of The Wall in 1989.

The seminar
Conceived as a preparation for the MA.symposium from november, the seminar will sort the selected FT images and work out possible views on advertising campaigns in other newspapers and magazines since 1989 until today. It will focus on questions like:
-    what kind of iconography emanates from these advertising campaigns?
-    which audience is the target?
-    how functions the wording with the images?    
-    what kind of representative roles are assigned to architecture, geography, gendered bodies, animals, plants, etc.?
-    do we know any artistic tactics dealing with such imagerys and how would we work in the field of such imagerys?

The students are most welcome to bring their own collections of images, of newspapers and magazines and to work on artistic propositions. Day three of the seminar will focus on some words which might be of importance to work on a possible subjective dictionary.

Daniel Hauser, artist and head of the art department at F+F School of Art and Media Design Zürich, He is member of the artist group RELAX (chiarenza & hauser & co),


The seminar will be held in english and french.
Please sign up in advance!
Bring your own material, collection of images in the context mentioned above.